Piano featured in AdWeek on subscription growth and innovation

How Piano helped Fortune Media go premium in one year and triple conversions


Feb 15, 2024


Ad Revenue Insights, Piano in the news

Piano featured in AdWeek on subscription growth and innovation

15 tips for orienting your paywall strategy

15 tips for orienting your paywall strategy

A recent article by AdWeek reporter, Mark Stenberg, explores the current landscape of publisher revenue tactics and how subscription growth is on the rise. Mark spoke with several industry leaders, including Piano’s EVP of Media Strategy, Michael Silberman, about the state of tactics for publishers. He goes over current landscape challenges, as well as the innovations that drive solutions including subscription products, dynamic paywalls and ad revenue insights.

You can read the full story, “The Next Era of Subscriptions: 3 Trends Shaping Publishers' Paid Products,” on AdWeek.

“For example, products like Ad Revenue Insights from Piano now factor in the expected ad monetization of a specific visit when determining whether or not to present a paywall, said Silberman. In another instance, a reader whose behavior suggests they are likely to sign up for a ticketed event, click an affiliate link or subscribe to a newsletter might not hit a paywall. These kinds of insights, uncovered using machine learning, can help publishers get the most revenue possible out of every reader, which in some cases means using no paywall at all.

As these technologies grow smarter, their ability to assess customers and optimize their revenue will only improve, according to Silberman. ‘Publishers are getting smarter about loosening and tightening paywalls to move between nurturing new users and converting subscribers,’ he said. ‘The closer they get to that sweet spot, the more sustainable a business they can build.’”